Dream it, Wish it, Do it!
Deep in our hearts, a deep belief, all young people can succeed and contribute to the development of the country if they are given unconditional trust and guidance.
May the dream of young people to be part of the cause of prosperity and well-being of the country in the future bear fruit. We pray that you will all be able to be independent, be contributors in the development of the country to make it more civilized, ethical and continue to be a developed country that is respected around the world
Muhammad Nizam Samsudin
Chief Executive Officer Adab Youth Garage

Great things never come from comfort zones.
“Small children born from poor families are full of challenges and are very valuable to be nurtured because they have high spirit and problem-solving skills. We cannot build the future for young people, but we can build young people for the future.”
Muhammad Afiq Ramlee
Chief Executive Officer of Adab Youth Garage
Great things never come from comfort zones.
“Small children born from poor families are full of challenges and are very valuable to be nurtured because they have high spirit and problem-solving skills. We cannot build the future for young people, but we can build young people for the future.”
Muhammad Afiq Ramlee
Chief Operation Officer of Adab Youth Garage

organizational chart
Executive Management
Regional Operation Manager
Social Entrepreneurship Devision
Youth Worker
Our History