Homework Club
This is one of AYG’s earliest products to be featured, where a safe space is created as a platform for clients to complete school work given by the teacher or simple exercises that they want to carry out. Youth workers also play a role in helping clients if there are questions or things that are poorly understood to be helped. This product helps clients increase knowledge, in addition to youth workers researching new formats that are highlighted in school.

Bimbingan Iqra'
Apart from focusing on the client’s academics, AYG also emphasizes the spiritual aspect. Almost all AYG branches conduct free Iqra’ Guidance Classes for clients. Youth workers are also given basic tajwid knowledge from expert instructors so that they can guide clients better. Not stopping there Only, if the client is able to read fluently, they are not stopped even if they are able to read the Quran. Furthermore, there is a request to hold Study Classes for mothers.

Study Group SMART
Unlike Homework Club, Study Group SMART focuses on groups of students who want to master some optional subjects with a group of friends they are comfortable with. This group will be monitored by the youth worker about what subjects are discussed and the exercises that are done. The client will also ask for the help of youth workers if they are less skilled with a part. This group will also be exposed to better Note Writing Techniques, Effective Study Techniques, monitoring of exam results and more.

SPM Fighter
After participating in Study Group SMART, youth workers will record the names and number of students involved as data storage in their respective branches. Next, AYG will run an annual program called SPM Fighter, which is a workshop and talk suitable for the age level of students. For SPM students, they will be exposed to knowledge related to the field of study that is suitable to continue and the field of work that is compatible with the field of study taken. When it is close to SPM time, they will attend the SPM Workshop for 2 days and 1 night at a place that has been prepared as a final acceleration. All study needs, accommodation, and transportation will be fully funded by AYG as the executor.

Kem Remaja ADAB
Kem Remaja ADAB is an annual program of AYG, aimed at building the next generation who are leaders with several focused aspects. Each year, different objectives will be brought, depending on the participants involved and the current needs of the year. AYG tries to bring continuity from previous programs so that there is relevance for participants to implement. After they attend the camp, they have to implement the appropriate program in their respective branches based on what they have gained during the 3 day 2 night camp.

Friends of AYG
AYG not only wants to build the nation’s future leaders, but also wants to prepare individuals who are willing to give energy, time, finances, and personal skills to individuals in need. Friends of AYG are known as volunteers who are involved with AYG from various aspects and expertise, whether as contributors of energy for the smooth running of the program, contributors of ideas in the implementation of software development, contributing expertise in the field of funding and research, and various other areas to contribute.

Youth Leader CLub
Youth Leader Club (YLC) is a Youth Leader Club that consists of youth in the residential areas around AYG branches. This youth group is a group that is ready to accept change and implement change in their area. YLC members usually consist of high school students, but many clients at the primary school level are trained and educated earlier as the next layer. The majority of these people are involved in the ADAB Youth Camp as an early exposure to the program and the process of implementing the program, as well as the skills to handle peers in their respective branches.

Kelas Intervensi Membaca
Studies show that Malaysia still suffers from reading literacy problems, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19, which means that schools are forced to close and studies take place online. Therefore, AYG saw this issue as an issue that needed to be addressed and the first effort was implemented at AYG Kota Damansara in 2022, where the end result was very encouraging and received a good response from the parents there. Next, AYG tried to implement this program in other branches as a measure to reduce the issue. Finally, this effort was welcomed by the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS) and has implemented this program for 2 years.